
June 3, 2013

What Are the Cosmetology Requirements in Utah?


People who want to progress their careers in cosmetology are required to fulfill various cosmetology requirements in Utah State. The State of Utah requires all cosmetologists to obtain a license as well as the completion of a cosmetology course at an accredited cosmetology school.

The Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (UDOPL) is responsible for licensing. Regardless of where you pursued your cosmetology course, the licensing body grants licenses to graduates in cosmetology courses within and without Utah State. However, there are requirements and procedures for people who obtained their cosmetology qualifications outside the state.

Cosmetology Requirements in Utah

First, a student is required to enroll for a cosmetology course at an accredited and approved Utah Cosmetology school. It is at the discretion of individual students to choose the cosmetology of their choice. However, the chosen school must have been approved to provide professional training programs leading to cosmetology.

The course and examination may also entail an apprenticeship program where a student works under a licensed Utah cosmetologist. This apprenticeship is meant to give a student a hands-on experience on the real job of a cosmetology in the specific field he or she is pursuing.

Pursuing a Cosmetology Course

Students pursuing a cosmetology course must attend theory and practical course hours and pass the cosmetology exam before graduating. After graduation, a student should submit a proof that he or she passed and graduated with a cosmetology degree before taking a state licensing examination. The test involves both theory and practical or hands-on test before one can be allowed to obtain a license. The test is a comprehensive package that covers all the areas, including professional ethics.

Utah License Requirements

The State of Utah requires that professional cosmetologists work in a formalized on-job training that takes about 2,000 hours of fieldwork. A person seeking a new license is required to pay $60 together with a yearly renewal fee of $52. Renewal of licenses can be done online at (UDOPL) website. Utah requires a cosmetologist to obtain a new license before the expiry period of the current license.

Further Requirements and Considerations

Once a student is ready, he or she should liaise with the cosmetology school. You are required to come with all the supplies that related to your specific field of specialization. If you are working under an accredited cosmetologist, the professional can arrange this for you to facilitate the process of taking the state test.

A student looking for a license is also required to pay for the test. In 2011, the revised fee was $87 for Utah state examinations. Upon filling the exam registration form, payments can be made using various options to complete your application. By fulfilling all the above cosmetology requirements in Utah, one is approved to provide professional services in his or her cosmetology field.

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