
July 1, 2013

How to Transfer Your Cosmetology License to Arizona

With a growing labor market and an ever-increasing population, Arizona can be an excellent place for a cosmetologist to make a name for his or her self, but it will be necessary to get a cosmetology license transfer in order to be eligible for work in the Grand Canyon State.

You will need to begin by making sure you have all the necessary training hours (usually two hundred and fifty) needed for graduation from a cosmetology school or a beauty institute before you can begin.

Getting Started With Your Cosmetology License Transfer

Begin by getting in contact with the university where you graduated (or otherwise completed your professional training) in order to get a copy of the certification or the record of our studies.  If this information has been registered in a state that you already practice your trade, it will be available at the state licensing board.

Before you are able to transfer to Arizona (or any other state), however, you need to prove that you are capable of becoming certified as a cosmetologist.

Get In Touch With The State Board

You can get most of the information available on practicing cosmetology in Arizona from the state board website.  In the event that you are unsure of any of the particulars, contact them directly about how the transfer process works.  Arizona demands that you must be at least twenty-three years old in order to hold a valid cosmetology license, meaning that some unfortunate young graduates may need to wait months or even a year in order to be eligible.

Arizona also demands sixteen hundred hours of training from a licensed school.  In the event that you studied at an unaccredited beauty school, you may need to provide proof to the state licensing board that your education is legitimate proof of your ability to be a cosmetologist, usually by passing an examination.

The Examination For Cosmetology License Transfer

In the event that it may be necessary to get a transfer license from an unaccredited location, you may have to take a written and practical examination of your skills and training.  The written examination is largely situation, with subjects such as a particular course of action for a cosmetic problem, while the practical examination covers your ability to provide a customer with their desired health and beauty treatment.

You can register for this exam online through the state licensing department.  The fee is usually eighty dollars and you are able to take the exam as many times as you desire — though there is no need to take it again in the hopes of a higher score provided you pass.

How Avalon Institute Can Help

When you need advice on a cosmetology license transfer or if you are looking for further training for your career, Avalon Institute has the necessary information to help you get from point A to point B with the least amount of frustration.

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