
June 30, 2015

7 Advantages & Disadvantages of Oily Skin [Updated 2020]

Woman applying something to her face.

Are you one of the millions who struggle with oily skin? While oily skin may seem hard to take care of at first, there are many advantages of having it, too. Just like any skin type, with the right care you can still achieve glowing, clear skin.

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of oily skin, as well as how to give your skin the proper care and love it deserves.

Advantages of Oily Skin

1. Stays Moisturized and Soft

Oil is a form of moisture so having oily skin will keep it naturally moisturized and softer! Unlike someone with naturally dry skin, you may not have to invest in as many moisturizing products. You also don’t have to worry about dry or flaking skin on your face.

2. Tans Easier

People who have oily skin tend to tan easier and more evenly due to the extra level of moisture that the oil gives. Having that layer of oil makes it more likely for your skin to tan than burn.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to use sunscreen, as tanning dries out the skin and can cause cancer, but it is nice to have a natural level of protection!

3. Slows Down the Aging Process

The moisture that oily skin produces slows down the aging process. The oils can reduce the appearance of fine lines, so you may not have to worry about investing in anti-aging creams, products, or treatments.

4. Protects Against the Environment

Your skin’s natural oils can act as a barrier against air pollution, wind, and sun. It doesn’t entirely block out these environmental conditions but the shield of oil sure does help. This extra moisture is especially useful during winter, as the air is often much drier.

Girl smiling in the snow.

Disadvantages of Oily Skin

1. May Clog Pores

The biggest disadvantage of oily skin is that it can clog pores which often results in acne. However, this can be treated by creating a good skincare regimen! By regularly washing your face, exfoliating, and taking care of your skin, you can reduce this risk and keep your skin healthy.

2. Makes Your Face Look Shiny

Some say that oil gives skin a beautiful, natural glow but it often goes beyond the “glow” and may appear shiny and greasy. In some cases, it can be hard to wear makeup all day without washing it off because of oil buildup and excess shine.

Choosing the right foundation and makeup can make a big difference and prevent this from happening. If you have oily skin, invest in a good powder foundation to create a more matte finish.

3. Makes It Harder To Skip a Wash

It is important to wash your face every day because the oil and product buildup can clog up your pores and possibly cause a breakout.

Man washing his face in the mirror

If you choose to wear makeup, never go to sleep with it on, and always rinse off your face before going to bed. You don’t have to have an extensive skincare routine to care for naturally oily skin, but having even a simple system can make a big difference!

How To Treat Your Oily Skin

Everybody’s skin contains different amounts of oil so skin care regimens for oily skin vary. While not every tip may work for you, here are some general steps to treat oily skin without removing all your skin’s natural oils:

  • Look for a cleanser that is gentle and alcohol-free so it won’t strip your natural oils and dry out your skin
  • Wash your face twice a day to keep your pores clean and unclogged
  • Minimize using a scrub or other exfoliant to only a few times a week
  • Invest in oil-control blotting papers and powders, especially if you wear makeup throughout the day
  • Consider purchasing a cleansing product that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid
  • Get a facial treatment specifically for oily skin

You will most likely need to test out different cleansers and/or the amount you wash your face in a day to eventually discover the best skin care routine for your particular skin.

Keep in mind the advantages of oily skin and its long-term benefits so that you do not overdo it trying to eliminate any traces of oil. Can’t seem to find the perfect routine? Get help from a licensed professional! Esthetician students who have a passion to help their guests can help you develop a great skincare routine, too.

Get a Skincare Routine From an Esthetician

No skincare treatment is designed for everyone. If you can’t find the perfect balance of products for you, the best way to care for your oily skin is to go to an esthetician. They can provide treatment to clear up your pores and remove excess oil.

After your appointment, they can recommend the right products for you to create that routine to achieve clear and healthy skin according to your skin type. You can schedule an appointment at one of our locations, where our students can care for your skin under the supervision of a licensed professional.

Want To Learn More About Skincare?

If you love learning about caring for your skin, you may want to consider pursuing an education in skincare as an esthetician or a cosmetologist. As part of an education in skincare, you can learn more about different skin types and how to care for both oily and dry skin and help others feel comfortable with their natural beauty.

Learn more about what an esthetician is and what they do.

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